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Lake County Attorneys
Alphabetical Listing of Lake County Attorneys
Name | Firm | Phone |
Richard Adams, Esq. | Law Office of Adams and Luka | (352) 357-4084 |
George J. Adler, Esq. | George J. Adler, P.A. | (407)896-1230 |
Joseph N. Alexander, Esq. | Potter, Clement, Lowery & Duncan | (352) 383-4186 |
John R. Alfino, Esq. | John R. Alfino | (866)429-9995 |
Frank B. Arenas, Esq. | Frank B. Arenas | (352)-748-3678 |
Ernest C. Aulls Jr., Esq. | ? | (352)357-1671 |
Morton D. Aulls, Esq. | Morton D. Aulls, P.A. | (352)343-0770 |
Robert E. Austin, Jr., Esq. | Robert E. Austin, Jr. | (352) 728-1020 |
Howard H. Babb, Jr., Esq. | Public Defender's Office | (352) 742-4207 |
Leonard H. Baird, Jr. | Leonard H. Baird, Jr. | (352) 394-2114 |
Nohemy Balatodano, Esq. | Nohemy Balatodano, P.A. | 352-241-0470 |
Susan A. Balmer, Esq. | Susan A. Balmer, P.A. | (352) 365-8300 |
James R. Baxley, Esq. | Hatfield & Baxley, P.A. | 352-669-2131 |
Richard S. Bergholtz, Esq. | Richard S. Bergholtz, P.A. | (352) 735-6938 |
Freya L. Bianco, Esq. | Public Defenders Office | 352-742-4272 |
Stephen G. Birr, Esq. | Stephen G. Birr, P.A. | (352) 343-5800 |
Matthew D. Black, Esq. | McLin & Burnsed, P.A. | (352) 787-1241 |
Jerri A. Blair, Esq. | Lockett & Blair, P.A. | (352) 343-3755 |
Clayton H. Blanchard, Jr., Esq. | Clayton H. Blanchard, Jr., P.A. | (352) 589-1919 |
Cecelia Bonifay, Esq. | Akerman, Senterfitt & Eidson, P.A. | (352) 343-5900 |
Lennon E. Bowen, III, Esq. | Bowen & Campione, P.A. | (352) 589-1414 |
William O. Boyd, Esq. | William O. Boyd, P.A. | (352) 383-8123 |
Kenneth W. Boyette, Jr., Esq. | Gray-Harris, P.A. | (352) 394-2103 |
The Honorable Richard W. Boylston | Fifth Judicial Circuit - Lake County | (352) 742-4203 |
Philip J. Braun, Esq. | Leesburg Regional Medical Center | 352-323-5924 |
The Honorable Don F. Briggs | Fifth Judicial Circuit - Lake County | (352) 742-4224 |
Mark A. Brionez, Esq. | McLin & Burnsed, P.A. | 352-787-1241 |
Arthur R. Brown, Jr. | Law Office of Randy Brown | 352-508-4237 |
Barry P. Burnette, Esq. | Keedy & Burnette, P.A. | (352) 742-1204 |
R. Dewey Burnsed, Esq. | McLin & Burnsed, P.A. | (352) 787-1241 |
Roy W. Caldwell, Esq. | ? | (352) 394-2143 |
Martin J. Campbell, Esq. | ? | ? |
David M. Campione, Esq. | Campione & Vason P A | (352) 383-4151 |
James E. Cardona, Esq. | ?The Cardona Law Firm LLC | 352-728-5557 |
Christopher V. Carlyle, Esq. | The Carlyle Appellate Law Firm | (352) 259-8852 |
John D. Carnahan, Esq. | State Attorney's Office, 5th Judicial Circuit | (352) 742-4236 |
David E. Cauthen, Esq. | Cauthen, Oldham & Associates, P.A. | (352) 343-3455 |
M. Delton Chen, Esq. | Community Legal Services of Mid Florida, Inc. | 352-343-0815 |
G. Edward Clement, Esq. | Potter, Clement, Lowry, & Duncan, P.A. | (352) 383-4186 |
Andrew C. Colando, Jr., Esq. | ? | (352) 742-9200 |
Jo Dell Coning, Esq. | Community Legal Services of Mid-Florida Inc | 352-343-0815 |
Gary J. Cooney, Esq. | Richey & Cooney, P.A. | (352)365-2262 |
Benjamin J. Cox, Esq. | The Law Office of Benjamin J. Cox, P.A. | (352) 343-0091 |
Jimmy D. Crawford, Esq. | Gray, Robinson P.A. | (352) 742-4236 |
Beth S. Crumpler, Esq. | State Attorney's Office | 352-742-4236 |
Norman C. Cummins, Esq. | Cummins & Nalios, P.A. | (352) 787-5411 |
J.J. Dahl, Esq. | Law Office of J.J. Dahl | (352) 243-4100 |
The Hon. C. Welborn Daniel, Esq. | ? | (352) 343-5250 |
Heidi Davis | Fifth Judicial Circuit | (352) 742-4173 |
Hugh A. Davis, II, Esq. | Davis & Kirste | (352) 326-3455 |
Nancy Davito, Esq. | Swartz Campbell LLC | 407-209-1000 |
Michael M. de Shetler, Esq. | Brent C. Miller, P.A. | 352-343-7400 |
Katrina H. Dempsey, Esq. | Bogan, Munns and Munns | 407-578-1334 |
Patricia A. Doherty, Esq. | Wooten, Honeywell & Kimbrough, Gibson, Doherty & Normand, P.A. | (407) 843-7060 |
Tom K. Dougherty, Esq. | ? | ? |
J. Robert Duggan, III, Esq. | J. Robert Duggan, III, P.A. | (352) 314-9255 |
Bruce G. Duncan, Esq. | Potter, Clement, Lowry & Duncan | (352) 383-4186 |
William Jeffrey Earnshaw, Esq. | Bowen, Radson Schroth, P.A. | 352-589-1414 |
Lucille Espey-Francis, Esq. | Lucille M. Espey-Francis, Attorney At Law | (352) 343-1696 |
Maggie B. Evans, Esq. | Maggie B. Evans, P.A. | (352) 735-1200 |
Eric H. Faddis, Esq. | Faddis & Warner, P.A. | (407) 872-1050 |
Charles D. Fantl, Esq. | Charles D. Fantl, Attorney At Law | (352) 343-3349 |
H. John Feldman, Esq. | Cauthen & Fedman, P.A. | (352) 343-2225 |
James F. Feuerstein, III, Esq. | James F. Feuerstein, P.A. | (352) 253-9700 |
Andrew K.E. Findley | Feuerstein & Findley | 352-253-9700 |
Kevin B. Flynn, Esquire | Lake County Judicial Center | 352-742-4228 |
Walter Forgie, Esq. | State Attorney's Office | (352) 742-4236 |
Gary D. Fuchs, Esq. | McLin & Burnsed, P.A. | (352) 787-1241 |
Frank T. Gaylord, Esq. | Gaylord & Rogers, LLC | (352) 589-1731 |
David M. Gaynes, Esq. | David M. Gaynes, P.A. | 407-404-4215 |
Anita Renee Geraci, Esq. | Law Office of Anita R. Geraci, P.A. | (352) 243-2801 |
Scott A. Gerken, Esq. | Stone & Gerken, P.A. | (352) 357-0330 |
Mark F. Germain, Esq. | Law Office of Mark F. Germain | 352-787-8833 |
William M. Gladson, Esq. | State Attorney's Office | 352-754--4255 |
Michael E. Golub, Esq. | Michael E. Golub, P.A. | 352-742-7777 |
Loren S. Granoff, Esq. | Law Offices of Loren S. Granoff | 352-383-4130 |
Michael A. Graves, Esq. | Graves & Spivey, P.A. | (352) 742-9090 |
Joel L. Gross | Law Offices of Joel L. Gross | 352-536-6288 |
Patricia T. Gross, Esq. | General Counsel for LC Sheriff's Office | (352) 343-9511 |
The Honorable Barbara Gurrola | Fifth Judicial Circuit - Citrus County | (352) 341-6709 |
Harry T. Hackney, Esq. | Harry Thomas Hackney, P.A. | (352) 735-6500 |
Liza Hammond, Esq. | Public Defenders Office | 352-742-4247 |
Michael H. Hatfield, Esq. | Hatfield & Baxley, P.A. | (352) 669-2131 |
Judith L. Haworth | State Attorney's Office | 352-742-4236 |
Candace A. Hawthorne, Esq. | Hawthorne Law Firm, P.A. | (352) 742-5200 |
Pamela J. Helton, Esq. | Law Offices of Pamela J. Helton, P.A. | (352) 243-9991 |
Richard W. Hennings, Esq. | Richard W. Hennings, P.A. | (352) 343-3335 |
Jennifer S. Henson, Esq. | Susan A. Balmer, P.A. | 352-365-8300 |
The Honorable Mark J. Hill | Fifth Judicial Circuit - Lake County | (352) 742-4218 |
Thomas D. Hippelheuser, Esq. | The Law Offices of Brent C. Miller, P.A. | (352) 343-7400 |
Timothy P. Hoban, Esq. | Timothy P. Hoban, P.A. | (352) 343-1444 |
Thomas Holden, Esq. | Law Office of A.J.Rohe, P.A. | 352-742-1876 |
James L. Homich, Esq. | James L. Homich, Lawyer | (352) 383-3031 |
George E. Hovis, Esq. | George E. Hovis, Attorney at Law | (352) 404-9600 |
Brian Hudson, Esq. | Mclin & Burnsed, P.A. | (352) 787-1241 |
Ashley S. Hunt | Cauthen & Feldman, P.A. | 352-343-2225 |
Dennis M. Janssen, Esq. | Dennis M. Janssen, P.A. | (352) 326-4400 |
The Honorable T. Michael Johnson | Fifth Judicial Circuit - Lake County | (352) 742-4215 |
Stephen W. Johnson, Esq. | McLin & Burnsed, P.A. | (352) 787-1241 |
Charles D. Johnson, Esq. "Chuck" | Sellar, Sewell, Russ, Saylor & Johnson | (352) 787-2308 |
Rick Joyce, Esq. | Akerman SEnterfitt | 352-343-3900 |
James F. Keedy, Esq. | Keedy & Burnett, P.A. | (352) 742-1204 |
Timothy S. Keough, Esq. | Law Office of Timothy S. Keough | (352) 343-1999 |
James L. Kershaw, Esquire | State Attorney's Office | ? |
M. Meredith Kirste, Esq. | Davis & Kirste | (352) 326-3455 |
Eric Langenbrunner | McLin & Burnsed, P.A. | 352-259-5043 |
Richard H. Langley, Esq. | ? | 407-654-4525 |
Christopher R. Largey, Esq. | Christopher R Largey P A | (352) 253-0456 |
Kenneth E. LaRoe, Esq. | ? | (352) 357-5377 |
Julia R. Law, Esq. | Roberts & Law, P.A. | (352) 429-2183 |
The Honorable William G. Law, Jr. | Fifth Judicial Circuit - Lake County | 352-742-4390 |
Paul Lee, Esq. | Law Offices of Paul Lee | (352) 589-5100 |
Jerry T. Lockett, Esq. | Jerry A Blair, P.A. | 352-343-3755 |
Archie O. Lowry, Esq. | Potter, Clement, Lowry & Duncan | (352) 383-4186 |
Stephany Pentsy Mahaney, Esq. | State Attorney's Office | 352-742-4263 |
G. Michael Mahoney, Esq. | McLin & Burnsed, P.A. | (352) 787-1241 |
Melanie N. Marsh, Esq. | County Attorney's Office, Lake County | (352) 343-9787 |
Melody Masuda, Esq. | State Attorney's Office | 352-742-4236 |
Tasha M. Matheson, Esq. | Harry Thomas Hackney, P.A. | 352-735-6500 |
Stephanie J. McCulloch, Esq. | Mclin 7 Burnsed, P.A. | (352) 787-1241 |
Mary M. McDaniel, Esq. | Mary M. Mcdaniel, P.A. | (352) 326-3311 |
Walter S. McLin, Esq. | McLin & Burnsed, P.A. | (352) 787-1241 |
Dorothy J. McMichen, Esq. | Dorothy J. McMichen, P.A. | (407) 898-2161 |
Ishir Mehta, Esq. | Ishir Mehta, P.A. | 352-394-2041 |
John D. Metcalf, Esq. | McLin & Burnsed, P.A. | 352-787-1241 |
George L. Metcalfe, Esq. | ? | 352-648-9200 |
Larry E. Metz, Esq. | Larry E. Metz, P.A. | 352-483-5655 |
Harlow Middleton, Esq. | (352) 383-8105 | |
The Honorable Donna F. Miller | Fifth Judicial Circuit - Lake County | (352) 742-4206 |
Brent C. Miller, Esq. | The Law Offices of Brent C. Miller, P.A. | (352) 343-7400 |
Sanford A. Minkoff, Esq. | County Attorney's Office, Lake County | (352) 343-9787 |
Hollie A. Morgan, Esq. | Mount Dora Title Services, Inc. | 352-483-5200 |
The Honorable Michelle T. Morley | Fifth Judicial Circuit | (352) 569-6028 |
Fred A. Morrison, Esq. | McLin & Burnsed, P.A. | (352) 787-1241 |
Patricia R. Mueller, Esq. | Patricia R. Mueller, P.A. | (352) 735-3111 |
The Hon. Mark Nacke, Esq. | Fifth Judicial Circuit | 352-742-4139 |
Merideth C. Nagel, Esq. | Merideth C. Nagel, P.A. | 352-394-7408 |
Heath B. Nailos, Esq. | Cummins & Nailos, P.A. | (352) 394-8550 |
The Honorable Terry T. Neal | Lake County | (352) 742-4127 |
Richard P. Newman, Esq. | McLin & Burnsed, P.A. | (352) 787-1241 |
Michael C. Norvell, Esq. | Michael C. Norvell, P.A. | (352) 365-1400 |
Elwood M. Obrig, Esq. | Elwood M. Obrig, P.A. | (352) 394-4025 |
Michael Odette, Esq. | State Attorney's Office | 352-253-6013 |
John R. Oldham, Esq. | Oldham & Smith, P.A. | (352) 343-4090 |
Sara Jane Olson | State Attorney's Office | 352-742-4236 |
Jonathan Olson, Esq. | Potter, Clement, Lowry & Duncan | 352-383-4186 |
Andy B. Parmenter, Esq. | Law Offices of Brent C. Miller | 352-343-7400 |
Lechea C. Parson, Esq. | Lake County Attorney's Office | 352-343-9798 |
William G. Peacock, Esq. | Bowen, Radson, Schroth, P.A. | 352-589-1414 |
Carla R. Pepperman, Esq. | Carla R. Pepperman, P.A. | (352) 383-9090 |
The Hon. Earle W. Peterson, Jr. | Carlyle Appellate Law Firm | 352-259-8852 |
Jeffrey M. Pfister, Esq. | Jeffrey M. Pfister, P.A. | (352) 343-2971 |
Del G. Potter, Esq. | Potter, Clement, Lowry & Duncan, P.A. | (352) 383-4186 |
Marybeth L. Pullum, Esq. | Pullum & Pullum, P.A. | 352-728-3060 |
Elizabeth (Sue) Purdy, Esq. | State Attorney's Office | (352) 742-4236 |
Cary F. Rada, Esq. | Cary F. Rada, P.A. | 352-742-2778 |
Jason M. Radson, Esq. | Bowen & Campione, P.A. | (352) 589-1414 |
Jefferson G. Ray, III, Esq. | Jefferson G. Ray, III, P.A. | (352) 383-7176 |
Thomas Grady Reed, III, Esq. | McLin & Burnsed, P.A. | 352-259-5011 |
Roger Rice, Esq. | ? | 352-742-0142 |
Steven J. Richey, Esq. | Richey and Cooney, P.A. | (352) 365-2262 |
Justin Rickman, Esq. | ? | 352-394-2041 |
H.D. Robuck, Jr., Esq. | H.D. Robuck, Jr., P.A. | (352) 314-3177 |
Michael J. Rogers, Esq. | Gaylord & Rogers, LLC | (352) 483-4888 |
A.J. Rohe, Esq. | Law Office of A.J. Rohe, III | 352.742.1876 |
Scott L. Roti, Esq. | Clerk of the Circuit Court | 352-742-4105 |
Steven M. Roy, Esq. | McLin & Burnsed, P.A. | (352) 787-1241 |
George H. Russ, Esq. | Seller, Sewell, Russ, Saylor & Johnson, P.A. | (352) 787-2308 |
Sami J. Sahab, Esq. | Robuck, Davis, Kirste & Sahab, P.A. | (352) 326-3455 |
Barrett Sanders, Esq. | ? | (352) 735-6033 |
Bruce A. Saylor, Esq. | Seller, Sewell, Russ, Saylor & Johnson, P.A. | (352) 787-2308 |
Derek A. Schroth, Esq. | Bowen , Radson, Schroth, P.A. | (352) 589-1414 |
Kimberly A. Schulte, Esq. | Law Office of Kimberly A. Schulte | (352) 787-7799 |
The Honorable Lawrence J. Semento | Fifth Judicial Circuit - Lake County | (352) 742-4212 |
Stephen G. Sewell, Esq. | Seller, Sewell, Russ, Saylor & Johnson, P.A. | (352) 787-2308 |
Christopher Shipley, Esq. | Shipley Law Firm | (352) 383-3397 |
Calvin E. Shuster, Esq. | Attorney At Law | (352) 385-3812 |
The Honorable G. Richard Singeltary | Fifth Judicial Circuit - Lake County | (352) 742-4209 |
Jeffrey P. Skates, Esq. | McLin & Burnsed, P.A. | (352) 259-5011 |
Christopher J. Smith, Esq. | Williams, Smith & Summers, P.A. | (352) 343-6655 |
Mary L. Sneed, Esq. | Fowler & O'Quinn, P.A. | 407-425-2684 |
Nicole Sonnenblick, Esq. | Lake County Judicial Center | 352-742-4223 |
Harold O. Southard, Esq. | ? | (352) 343-3651 |
John N. Spivey, Esq. | Graves & Spivey, P.A. | (352) 742-9090 |
Robert A. Stebbins, Esq. | Stebbins & Stebbins | (352) 357-3151 |
Edward G. Stephany, Esq. | Edward G. Stephany | (352) 735-4618 |
Reda J. Stewart, Esq. | ? | (352) 728-1020 |
William H. Stone, Esq. | Public Defenders Office | (352) 742-4270 |
Gary L. Summers, Esq. | Williams, Smith & Summers, P.A. | (352) 343-6655 |
Brett L. Swigert, Esq. | Brett L. Swigert, P.A. | (352) 357-0770 |
The Honorable Michael G. Takac | Lake County Judicial Center | 352-742-4285 |
L.E. Taylor, Esq. | L.E. Taylor, P.A. | (352) 787-1440 |
Katrina M. Thomas | Stone & Gerken, P.A. | 352-357-0330 |
Paul M. Thompson, Esq. | Thompson, Recksiedler & Evangelo, P.A. | (352) 735-7602 |
Deborah J. Townsend, Esq. | Deborah J. Townsend, P.A. | (352) 324-3662 |
Leigh Tucker, Esq. | ? | (352) 394-3109 |
Dusty L. Twyman, Esq. | Dusty L. Twyman, P.A. | (407) 905-0500 |
Arlene C. Udick, Esq. | Law Offices of Arlene C. Udick, P.A. | 352-391-1888 |
Kristopher Vanderlann, Esq. | Keedy & Burnett, P.A. | 352.742.1204 |
Robert F. Vason, Jr., Esq. | Campione & Vason, P.A. | (352) 383-4151 |
Rana M. Wallace, Esq. | Lake County Public Defender | 352-742-4270 |
Ronald H. Watson, Esq. | Merritt & Watson, P.A. | (352) 357-2932 |
Brian J. Welke, Esq. | Brian J. Welke, P.A. | (352) 357-0400 |
Jeffrey W. Wiggs, Esq. | ? | (352) 383-9844 |
Robert Q. Williams, Esq. | Williams, Smith & Summers, P.A. | (352) 343-6655 |
Glenn Woodworth | Effective Mediations | 352-771-0115 |
Hollie Worley, Esq. | State Attorney's Office | 352-742-4236 |
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