Lake County Attorneys

Alphabetical Listing of Lake County Attorneys

Richard Adams, Esq.
Law Office of Adams and Luka
(352) 357-4084
George J. Adler, Esq.
George J. Adler, P.A.
Joseph N. Alexander, Esq.
Potter, Clement, Lowery & Duncan
(352) 383-4186
John R. Alfino, Esq.
John R. Alfino
Frank B. Arenas, Esq.
Frank B. Arenas
Ernest C. Aulls Jr., Esq.
Morton D. Aulls, Esq.
Morton D. Aulls, P.A.
Robert E. Austin, Jr., Esq.
Robert E. Austin, Jr.
(352) 728-1020
Howard H. Babb, Jr., Esq.
Public Defender's Office
(352) 742-4207
Leonard H. Baird, Jr.
Leonard H. Baird, Jr.
(352) 394-2114
Nohemy Balatodano, Esq.
Nohemy Balatodano, P.A.
Susan A. Balmer, Esq.
Susan A. Balmer, P.A.
(352) 365-8300
James R. Baxley, Esq.
Hatfield & Baxley, P.A.
Richard S. Bergholtz, Esq.
Richard S. Bergholtz, P.A.
(352) 735-6938
Freya L. Bianco, Esq.
Public Defenders Office
Stephen G. Birr, Esq.
Stephen G. Birr, P.A.
(352) 343-5800
Matthew D. Black, Esq.
McLin & Burnsed, P.A.
(352) 787-1241
Jerri A. Blair, Esq.
Lockett & Blair, P.A.
(352) 343-3755
Clayton H. Blanchard, Jr., Esq.
Clayton H. Blanchard, Jr., P.A.
(352) 589-1919
Cecelia Bonifay, Esq.
Akerman, Senterfitt & Eidson, P.A.
(352) 343-5900
Lennon E. Bowen, III, Esq.
Bowen & Campione, P.A.
(352) 589-1414
William O. Boyd, Esq.
William O. Boyd, P.A.
(352) 383-8123
Kenneth W. Boyette, Jr., Esq.
Gray-Harris, P.A.
(352) 394-2103
The Honorable Richard W. Boylston
Fifth Judicial Circuit - Lake County
(352) 742-4203
Philip J. Braun, Esq.
Leesburg Regional Medical Center
The Honorable Don F. Briggs
Fifth Judicial Circuit - Lake County
(352) 742-4224
Mark A. Brionez, Esq.
McLin & Burnsed, P.A.
Arthur R. Brown, Jr.
Law Office of Randy Brown
Barry P. Burnette, Esq.
Keedy & Burnette, P.A.
(352) 742-1204
R. Dewey Burnsed, Esq.
McLin & Burnsed, P.A.
(352) 787-1241
Roy W. Caldwell, Esq.
(352) 394-2143
Martin J. Campbell, Esq.
David M. Campione, Esq.
Campione & Vason P A
(352) 383-4151
James E. Cardona, Esq.
?The Cardona Law Firm LLC
Christopher V. Carlyle, Esq.
The Carlyle Appellate Law Firm
(352) 259-8852
John D. Carnahan, Esq.
State Attorney's Office, 5th Judicial Circuit
(352) 742-4236
David E. Cauthen, Esq.
Cauthen, Oldham & Associates, P.A.
(352) 343-3455
M. Delton Chen, Esq.
Community Legal Services of Mid Florida, Inc.
G. Edward Clement, Esq.
Potter, Clement, Lowry, & Duncan, P.A.
(352) 383-4186
Andrew C. Colando, Jr., Esq.
(352) 742-9200
Jo Dell Coning, Esq.
Community Legal Services of Mid-Florida Inc
Gary J. Cooney, Esq.
Richey & Cooney, P.A.
Benjamin J. Cox, Esq.
The Law Office of Benjamin J. Cox, P.A.
(352) 343-0091
Jimmy D. Crawford, Esq.
Gray, Robinson P.A.
(352) 742-4236
Beth S. Crumpler, Esq.
State Attorney's Office
Norman C. Cummins, Esq.
Cummins & Nalios, P.A.
(352) 787-5411
J.J. Dahl, Esq.
Law Office of J.J. Dahl
(352) 243-4100
The Hon. C. Welborn Daniel, Esq.
(352) 343-5250
Heidi Davis
Fifth Judicial Circuit
(352) 742-4173
Hugh A. Davis, II, Esq.
Davis & Kirste
(352) 326-3455
Nancy Davito, Esq.
Swartz Campbell LLC
Michael M. de Shetler, Esq.
Brent C. Miller, P.A.
Katrina H. Dempsey, Esq.
Bogan, Munns and Munns
Patricia A. Doherty, Esq.
Wooten, Honeywell & Kimbrough, Gibson, Doherty & Normand, P.A.
(407) 843-7060
Tom K. Dougherty, Esq.
J. Robert Duggan, III, Esq.
J. Robert Duggan, III, P.A.
(352) 314-9255
Bruce G. Duncan, Esq.
Potter, Clement, Lowry & Duncan
(352) 383-4186
William Jeffrey Earnshaw, Esq.
Bowen, Radson Schroth, P.A.
Lucille Espey-Francis, Esq.
Lucille M. Espey-Francis, Attorney At Law
(352) 343-1696
Maggie B. Evans, Esq.
Maggie B. Evans, P.A.
(352) 735-1200
Eric H. Faddis, Esq.
Faddis & Warner, P.A.
(407) 872-1050
Charles D. Fantl, Esq.
Charles D. Fantl, Attorney At Law
(352) 343-3349
H. John Feldman, Esq.
Cauthen & Fedman, P.A.
(352) 343-2225
James F. Feuerstein, III, Esq.
James F. Feuerstein, P.A.
(352) 253-9700
Andrew K.E. Findley
Feuerstein & Findley
Kevin B. Flynn, Esquire
Lake County Judicial Center
Walter Forgie, Esq.
State Attorney's Office
(352) 742-4236
Gary D. Fuchs, Esq.
McLin & Burnsed, P.A.
(352) 787-1241
Frank T. Gaylord, Esq.
Gaylord & Rogers, LLC
(352) 589-1731
David M. Gaynes, Esq.
David M. Gaynes, P.A.
Anita Renee Geraci, Esq.
Law Office of Anita R. Geraci, P.A.
(352) 243-2801
Scott A. Gerken, Esq.
Stone & Gerken, P.A.
(352) 357-0330
Mark F. Germain, Esq.
Law Office of Mark F. Germain
William M. Gladson, Esq.
State Attorney's Office
Michael E. Golub, Esq.
Michael E. Golub, P.A.
Loren S. Granoff, Esq.
Law Offices of Loren S. Granoff
Michael A. Graves, Esq.
Graves & Spivey, P.A.
(352) 742-9090
Joel L. Gross
Law Offices of Joel L. Gross
Patricia T. Gross, Esq.
General Counsel for LC Sheriff's Office
(352) 343-9511
The Honorable Barbara Gurrola
Fifth Judicial Circuit - Citrus County
(352) 341-6709
Harry T. Hackney, Esq.
Harry Thomas Hackney, P.A.
(352) 735-6500
Liza Hammond, Esq.
Public Defenders Office
Michael H. Hatfield, Esq.
Hatfield & Baxley, P.A.
(352) 669-2131
Judith L. Haworth
State Attorney's Office
Candace A. Hawthorne, Esq.
Hawthorne Law Firm, P.A.
(352) 742-5200
Pamela J. Helton, Esq.
Law Offices of Pamela J. Helton, P.A.
(352) 243-9991
Richard W. Hennings, Esq.
Richard W. Hennings, P.A.
(352) 343-3335
Jennifer S. Henson, Esq.
Susan A. Balmer, P.A.
The Honorable Mark J. Hill
Fifth Judicial Circuit - Lake County
(352) 742-4218
Thomas D. Hippelheuser, Esq.
The Law Offices of Brent C. Miller, P.A.
(352) 343-7400
Timothy P. Hoban, Esq.
Timothy P. Hoban, P.A.
(352) 343-1444
Thomas Holden, Esq.
Law Office of A.J.Rohe, P.A.
James L. Homich, Esq.
James L. Homich, Lawyer
(352) 383-3031
George E. Hovis, Esq.
George E. Hovis, Attorney at Law
(352) 404-9600
Brian Hudson, Esq.
Mclin & Burnsed, P.A.
(352) 787-1241
Ashley S. Hunt
Cauthen & Feldman, P.A.
Dennis M. Janssen, Esq.
Dennis M. Janssen, P.A.
(352) 326-4400
The Honorable T. Michael Johnson
Fifth Judicial Circuit - Lake County
(352) 742-4215
Stephen W. Johnson, Esq.
McLin & Burnsed, P.A.
(352) 787-1241
Charles D. Johnson, Esq. "Chuck"
Sellar, Sewell, Russ, Saylor & Johnson
(352) 787-2308
Rick Joyce, Esq.
Akerman SEnterfitt
James F. Keedy, Esq.
Keedy & Burnett, P.A.
(352) 742-1204
Timothy S. Keough, Esq.
Law Office of Timothy S. Keough
(352) 343-1999
James L. Kershaw, Esquire
State Attorney's Office
M. Meredith Kirste, Esq.
Davis & Kirste
(352) 326-3455
Eric Langenbrunner
McLin & Burnsed, P.A.
Richard H. Langley, Esq.
Christopher R. Largey, Esq.
Christopher R Largey P A
(352) 253-0456
Kenneth E. LaRoe, Esq.
(352) 357-5377
Julia R. Law, Esq.
Roberts & Law, P.A.
(352) 429-2183
The Honorable William G. Law, Jr.
Fifth Judicial Circuit - Lake County
Paul Lee, Esq.
Law Offices of Paul Lee
(352) 589-5100
Jerry T. Lockett, Esq.
Jerry A Blair, P.A.
Archie O. Lowry, Esq.
Potter, Clement, Lowry & Duncan
(352) 383-4186
Stephany Pentsy Mahaney, Esq.
State Attorney's Office
G. Michael Mahoney, Esq.
McLin & Burnsed, P.A.
(352) 787-1241
Melanie N. Marsh, Esq.
County Attorney's Office, Lake County
(352) 343-9787
Melody Masuda, Esq.
State Attorney's Office
Tasha M. Matheson, Esq.
Harry Thomas Hackney, P.A.
Stephanie J. McCulloch, Esq.
Mclin 7 Burnsed, P.A.
(352) 787-1241
Mary M. McDaniel, Esq.
Mary M. Mcdaniel, P.A.
(352) 326-3311
Walter S. McLin, Esq.
McLin & Burnsed, P.A.
(352) 787-1241
Dorothy J. McMichen, Esq.
Dorothy J. McMichen, P.A.
(407) 898-2161
Ishir Mehta, Esq.
Ishir Mehta, P.A.
John D. Metcalf, Esq.
McLin & Burnsed, P.A.
George L. Metcalfe, Esq.
Larry E. Metz, Esq.
Larry E. Metz, P.A.
Harlow Middleton, Esq.
(352) 383-8105
The Honorable Donna F. Miller
Fifth Judicial Circuit - Lake County
(352) 742-4206
Brent C. Miller, Esq.
The Law Offices of Brent C. Miller, P.A.
(352) 343-7400
Sanford A. Minkoff, Esq.
County Attorney's Office, Lake County
(352) 343-9787
Hollie A. Morgan, Esq.
Mount Dora Title Services, Inc.
The Honorable Michelle T. Morley
Fifth Judicial Circuit
(352) 569-6028
Fred A. Morrison, Esq.
McLin & Burnsed, P.A.
(352) 787-1241
Patricia R. Mueller, Esq.
Patricia R. Mueller, P.A.
(352) 735-3111
The Hon. Mark Nacke, Esq.
Fifth Judicial Circuit
Merideth C. Nagel, Esq.
Merideth C. Nagel, P.A.
Heath B. Nailos, Esq.
Cummins & Nailos, P.A.
(352) 394-8550
The Honorable Terry T. Neal
Lake County
(352) 742-4127
Richard P. Newman, Esq.
McLin & Burnsed, P.A.
(352) 787-1241
Michael C. Norvell, Esq.
Michael C. Norvell, P.A.
(352) 365-1400
Elwood M. Obrig, Esq.
Elwood M. Obrig, P.A.
(352) 394-4025
Michael Odette, Esq.
State Attorney's Office
John R. Oldham, Esq.
Oldham & Smith, P.A.
(352) 343-4090
Sara Jane Olson
State Attorney's Office
Jonathan Olson, Esq.
Potter, Clement, Lowry & Duncan
Andy B. Parmenter, Esq.
Law Offices of Brent C. Miller
Lechea C. Parson, Esq.
Lake County Attorney's Office
William G. Peacock, Esq.
Bowen, Radson, Schroth, P.A.
Carla R. Pepperman, Esq.
Carla R. Pepperman, P.A.
(352) 383-9090
The Hon. Earle W. Peterson, Jr.
Carlyle Appellate Law Firm
Jeffrey M. Pfister, Esq.
Jeffrey M. Pfister, P.A.
(352) 343-2971
Del G. Potter, Esq.
Potter, Clement, Lowry & Duncan, P.A.
(352) 383-4186
Marybeth L. Pullum, Esq.
Pullum & Pullum, P.A.
Elizabeth (Sue) Purdy, Esq.
State Attorney's Office
(352) 742-4236
Cary F. Rada, Esq.
Cary F. Rada, P.A.
Jason M. Radson, Esq.
Bowen & Campione, P.A.
(352) 589-1414
Jefferson G. Ray, III, Esq.
Jefferson G. Ray, III, P.A.
(352) 383-7176
Thomas Grady Reed, III, Esq.
McLin & Burnsed, P.A.
Roger Rice, Esq.
Steven J. Richey, Esq.
Richey and Cooney, P.A.
(352) 365-2262
Justin Rickman, Esq.
H.D. Robuck, Jr., Esq.
H.D. Robuck, Jr., P.A.
(352) 314-3177
Michael J. Rogers, Esq.
Gaylord & Rogers, LLC
(352) 483-4888
A.J. Rohe, Esq.
Law Office of A.J. Rohe, III
Scott L. Roti, Esq.
Clerk of the Circuit Court
Steven M. Roy, Esq.
McLin & Burnsed, P.A.
(352) 787-1241
George H. Russ, Esq.
Seller, Sewell, Russ, Saylor & Johnson, P.A.
(352) 787-2308
Sami J. Sahab, Esq.
Robuck, Davis, Kirste & Sahab, P.A.
(352) 326-3455
Barrett Sanders, Esq.
(352) 735-6033
Bruce A. Saylor, Esq.
Seller, Sewell, Russ, Saylor & Johnson, P.A.
(352) 787-2308
Derek A. Schroth, Esq.
Bowen , Radson, Schroth, P.A.
(352) 589-1414
Kimberly A. Schulte, Esq.
Law Office of Kimberly A. Schulte
(352) 787-7799
The Honorable Lawrence J. Semento
Fifth Judicial Circuit - Lake County
(352) 742-4212
Stephen G. Sewell, Esq.
Seller, Sewell, Russ, Saylor & Johnson, P.A.
(352) 787-2308
Christopher Shipley, Esq.
Shipley Law Firm
(352) 383-3397
Calvin E. Shuster, Esq.
Attorney At Law
(352) 385-3812
The Honorable G. Richard Singeltary
Fifth Judicial Circuit - Lake County
(352) 742-4209
Jeffrey P. Skates, Esq.
McLin & Burnsed, P.A.
(352) 259-5011
Christopher J. Smith, Esq.
Williams, Smith & Summers, P.A.
(352) 343-6655
Mary L. Sneed, Esq.
Fowler & O'Quinn, P.A.
Nicole Sonnenblick, Esq.
Lake County Judicial Center
Harold O. Southard, Esq.
(352) 343-3651
John N. Spivey, Esq.
Graves & Spivey, P.A.
(352) 742-9090
Robert A. Stebbins, Esq.
Stebbins & Stebbins
(352) 357-3151
Edward G. Stephany, Esq.
Edward G. Stephany
(352) 735-4618
Reda J. Stewart, Esq.
(352) 728-1020
William H. Stone, Esq.
Public Defenders Office
(352) 742-4270
Gary L. Summers, Esq.
Williams, Smith & Summers, P.A.
(352) 343-6655
Brett L. Swigert, Esq.
Brett L. Swigert, P.A.
(352) 357-0770
The Honorable Michael G. Takac
Lake County Judicial Center
L.E. Taylor, Esq.
L.E. Taylor, P.A.
(352) 787-1440
Katrina M. Thomas
Stone & Gerken, P.A.
Paul M. Thompson, Esq.
Thompson, Recksiedler & Evangelo, P.A.
(352) 735-7602
Deborah J. Townsend, Esq.
Deborah J. Townsend, P.A.
(352) 324-3662
Leigh Tucker, Esq.
(352) 394-3109
Dusty L. Twyman, Esq.
Dusty L. Twyman, P.A.
(407) 905-0500
Arlene C. Udick, Esq.
Law Offices of Arlene C. Udick, P.A.
Kristopher Vanderlann, Esq.
Keedy & Burnett, P.A.
Robert F. Vason, Jr., Esq.
Campione & Vason, P.A.
(352) 383-4151
Rana M. Wallace, Esq.
Lake County Public Defender
Ronald H. Watson, Esq.
Merritt & Watson, P.A.
(352) 357-2932
Brian J. Welke, Esq.
Brian J. Welke, P.A.
(352) 357-0400
Jeffrey W. Wiggs, Esq.
(352) 383-9844
Robert Q. Williams, Esq.
Williams, Smith & Summers, P.A.
(352) 343-6655
Glenn Woodworth
Effective Mediations
Hollie Worley, Esq.
State Attorney's Office
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